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Green People
Have you ever noticed that when you are doing well, or finally achieving a breakthrough, that not everyone is happy for you? What about if you stumble and fall along your journey? Have you noticed the people who are thrilled to see you flat on your face? ...
5 Common Side Effects After the Booster Shot
Hello friends. I received this and want to share it with you. 5 Common Side Effects After the Booster Shot According to clinical trial data collected by Pfizer-BioNTech, the most commonly reported side effects after the booster shot were: Injection site pain Fatigue...
Why I Write
Why I Write September 11th, 2021 I write my stories for all to read, but especially for those who don’t read well, and consequently, don’t like to read. There are plenty of books for those who...
United we stand!! Divided we fall!!!