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A new TAKE TIME I was looking at my “TAKE TIME” sheet that my mom gave me many years ago, and I noticed there isn’t a TAKE TIME to be thankful, so this one IS mine! TAKE TIME to be THANKFUL - it allows us to reflect on where we’ve been, where we are, and...
Thanksgiving – Giving Thanks
The Journey - would like to suggest that we tell our loved ones, that we love them while we still have the chance! Just a thought. NEVER GIVE UP! Love & Peace, Brother Charles
Nice Move
I salute the Vanderbilt football team. The players are wearing the names of fallen veterans on the back of their jerseys. GREAT PLAY! I still rooted for Kentucky!!(smile)
Tis the Season 2017
Family, food and thanksgiving. A time where some people exchange gifts, but how many know that the BEST gift isn’t wrapped at all? Time together! How much is that worth? Just a thought. I am happy to be able to offer my second children’s story, The...