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The Journey returned to the Fayette County Drug Court
The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook returned to the Fayette County Drug Court program on March 19, 2018 at 6 p.m. I will be leading a new group to continue helping people struggling with addiction. This group will focus on more than relapse. We will...
About E.B. Meets The Lamb
About E.B. Meets The Lamb A few years ago, my pastor challenged me to write a children’s Easter story that he wanted me to read during our Easter service. I’ll never forget that he proposed this idea to me on the Thursday afternoon before Easter Sunday. I...
Hello, my friends and family
Please look at my Facebook Page to see more information about my newest offer, E.B. Meets The Lamb. Thank you for you continued support. NEVER GIVE UP! Love & Peace, Brother Charles
Where to find E.B. Meets The Lamb on CD
I recently discovered that Amazon only lists my books. They don’t list my CDs. If you are interested in purchasing E.B. Meets The Lamb on CD you’ll have to order directly from my publisher, Here is the link for your...