Invitation to ‘Episodes’           Welcome. This is an invitation for you to see and hear the latest chapter in The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook and some of the...

14 Years In The Making…

                                      In June 2010 I began my program – The Journey-adifferentkindofstorybook. I write my own stories and for the first ten years I told my stories to inmates in our local county detention center, a neighboring county detention center...

Invitation to Bobby the Butterfly

  Hello Friends and Supporters. I’d like to offer you another one of my children’s books. It’s one of my kid’s favorite stories that I read to them in school. It’s about HOPE, FRIENDSHIP and NEVER GIVING UP. Oh, it’s also a coloring book. (smile) Please visit:...

Four Short Children’s Stories post 2024

  Hello friends and supporters, Summer is here. For the past 4 years I have been reading stories, that I wrote to 5 elementary schools here in Lexington, KY.  My stories have a message and as one teacher said, “Brother Charles is here with life lessons”. That is...

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Happy Mother’s Day 2018

Happy Mother’s Day 2018

~~Pass It On: A Letter about Mom Back in the "good ole days", parents worked hard and endured hard times in hopes that their children would have a better life than they did. Often working from sun up to sun down in a field or a factory for little wages,...

50 years ago, today Exposed!

50 years ago, today Exposed!

The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook purposely avoids getting into political, religious and racial discussions online. These topics are VERY personal and tend to cause people to retreat to their comfort zones. I don’t see the use in having an argument...



I had a great time this morning with our kids at Sunday School. It was a new opportunity to reach out to a different audience. Besides being SO cute, they were very smart. I was the teacher, but I was also the student. They filled my heart. Love &...

A New Opportunity for The Journey

On Sunday, April 1st, Resurrection Sunday, Greater Liberty Baptist Church here in Lexington, Ky., will have a sunrise service followed by breakfast. After breakfast, our Sunday School classes will meet. We will be combining our two youngest classes and I...