Invitation to ‘Episodes’           Welcome. This is an invitation for you to see and hear the latest chapter in The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook and some of the...

14 Years In The Making…

                                      In June 2010 I began my program – The Journey-adifferentkindofstorybook. I write my own stories and for the first ten years I told my stories to inmates in our local county detention center, a neighboring county detention center...

Invitation to Bobby the Butterfly

  Hello Friends and Supporters. I’d like to offer you another one of my children’s books. It’s one of my kid’s favorite stories that I read to them in school. It’s about HOPE, FRIENDSHIP and NEVER GIVING UP. Oh, it’s also a coloring book. (smile) Please visit:...

Four Short Children’s Stories post 2024

  Hello friends and supporters, Summer is here. For the past 4 years I have been reading stories, that I wrote to 5 elementary schools here in Lexington, KY.  My stories have a message and as one teacher said, “Brother Charles is here with life lessons”. That is...

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True Hero’s July 4th, 2020

True Hero’s! July 4th, 2020 Just finished watching, “Glory”. Being from Massachusetts, it has a special place in my heart and I NEVER watch it without wearing my cap. They fought and died for The United States of America. R.I.P. 54th! NEVER GIVE UP! Love & Peace...

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day

Letter to Dad                 A Childhood Memory      One of the most, if not THE most memorable moments that I have of you Dad was later in our lives. In fact, it was the last time we saw each other face to face. It’s important to me for two major reasons. The First...

TEN years ago, this month!!                      June 2020

TEN years ago, this month!! June 2020

                                TEN years ago, this month!!                     June 2020 I am the author and the creator of The Journey-adifferentkindofstorybook. I’m also a former 27- year cocaine addict. During that period, I lived in the Boston, MA. area, San...