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Easter Offer 2021
Hello, Facebook family and friends, Resurrection Sunday/Easter is less than a month away. I’d like to introduce you to my first published storybook, E.B. Meets the Lamb, which I wrote back in 2012. It is one of my two published children’s books. After the passing of...
Hidden History
Hello FB family and friends, My lil sis, Clarice, and I were discussing that Black History is more than slavery. MUCH MORE! Here’s a taste from my story/book, The Green People. It’s a story of one family growing up black in America during the 20th century. The...
Hello Facebook family and friends, 2/23/2021
About The Adventure of Bobby the Butterfly I wrote this story to help children realize the values of friendship, courage and trust. It is my hope that they will see how these values can help transform them into beautiful and strong adults. I...