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My new babies
Hello FB Friends 7/15/21 I just want to share with you my newest plants. A friend of mine gave me these 4 plants a couple of months and they were half this size. I had them on my balcony for about a month and the pot they were in was getting crowded, so I...
Father’s Day 2021
To ALL the men who got the call, heard the call and answered the call to be a father in a child’s life… HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!! Whether you are biological, an uncle, a big brother, a neighbor, or a coach, you’ve been a mentor in that child’s life. I hope and pray that...
Focus May 2021 Has this ever happened to you? You’re asked to sing a song, read a poem, tell a story or preach to a group of people. The group consists of ten people. When your recital is complete, nine people approach you and have great...