Take Time to Dream

TAKE TIME to dream – it is what the future is made of. “Dreamers see the creation behind their eyes before they ever see it WITH their eyes!” CWT 6/6/13. Several years ago, I invited my friend, Damon Poke, to attend one of my drug court group meetings. After the group...

So Long 2017

When I was a MUCH younger man, I played several sports. I was tall, thin and fast, so I ran a little track and field. I ran the 100-yard dash and the 400-yard relay race. Back in those days we measured the distances in yards! (smile) 2017 presented many new...

Friends of The Journey

Greetings to all of you on this journey with us. We’ve got so much to be thankful for, including your support. So many opportunities have come and are coming our way. Right now, we’re updating our website to reflect our growth and in preparation for 2018. We’re...


A new TAKE TIME I was looking at my “TAKE TIME” sheet that my mom gave me many years ago, and I noticed there isn’t a TAKE TIME to be thankful, so this one IS mine! TAKE TIME to be THANKFUL –  it allows us to reflect on where we’ve been, where we are, and where...

Thanksgiving – Giving Thanks

The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook.com would like to suggest that we tell our loved ones, that we love them while we still have the chance! Just a thought. NEVER GIVE UP! Love & Peace, Brother Charles Search for: Recent Posts It’s StoryTime! Hear ye!...