Vote 2018

Vote 2018

We need to vote this year if we want the United States of America to remain a democracy, while we have the chance. VOTE!! Evil triumphs when GOOD people do nothing!! VOTE. Search for: Recent Posts It’s StoryTime! Hear ye! Hear ye! A GREAT DAY at UK! The Journey –...
A Gift from Heaven 2018

A Gift from Heaven 2018

Today is my birthday. I have SO much to be grateful for, as many of you know. Double Sixes!!! Anyway, I went to our local auto registration office yesterday to register my car license plates for 2018 around 1-sh and there must have been about 100 people waiting in...
Happy Mother’s Day 2018

Happy Mother’s Day 2018

~~Pass It On: A Letter about Mom Back in the “good ole days”, parents worked hard and endured hard times in hopes that their children would have a better life than they did. Often working from sun up to sun down in a field or a factory for little wages,...
50 years ago, today Exposed!

50 years ago, today Exposed!

The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook purposely avoids getting into political, religious and racial discussions online. These topics are VERY personal and tend to cause people to retreat to their comfort zones. I don’t see the use in having an argument with someone...


I had a great time this morning with our kids at Sunday School. It was a new opportunity to reach out to a different audience. Besides being SO cute, they were very smart. I was the teacher, but I was also the student. They filled my heart. Love & Peace!! Search...