Nearly two years have passed and this Covid virus is stronger than ever. It has caused fear, sickness, mourning and isolation, which can all be hazardous to our heath and those we love. Frustration and anger are often the result leading to overdoses, depression, homicide, suicide and abuse. I agree with the CDC’s guidance suggestions, but to be isolated for too long has the potential to become dangerous.

My program has been, is and will always be about helping suffering people. Smart phones have become many people’s social outlets and our thumbs are getting the most exercise. (smile) Just my opinion.

If you, or someone you know, are asked to quarantine for a period of time or you simply want to change your routine, please let me tell you a story or two that I hope you will find entertaining, inspiring, informative and helpful. It is my hope that you might see yourself, or someone you love in the story and find relieve from any stress, depression or anger that might be growing inside you.

Too often, people take out their pain on the ones they love. I’m inviting you to share one or two of my stories WITH the ones you love.

Storytelling in one of the oldest ways that families, tribes, communities and cultures preserved and passed on their traditions. Legends have been born through the POWER of the story and I write my stories with these things in mind.

So, if you have the desire to hear and watch a good story, (smile), then I invite you to grab your favorite beverage and snack, sit back, put your feet up and see if you see yourself, or someone you love in the story.

 Just click on the AUDIO tab to listen and the STORYTIME tab to watch and listen. I hope you you’ll enjoy them.


Love & Peace,

                                                                                       Brother Charles