Paradise Place video post


Hello Facebook family and friends,

                I’d like to invite you to watch my new video, Paradise Place, which has been produced by my friend/producer Keith Richardson at McGProductions@Double “K” Studios

[email protected]

About Paradise Place

                I wrote this story because I was thinking about the quote, “one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.” Then my mind took me to how bullies operate.

                If unchecked, their mean spirits and evil intentions will grow and spread. I’ve noticed that three of their main weapons are LOUD and angry words, FEAR, and INTIMIDATION.

                I began thinking how ONE bad neighbor can spoil and entire neighborhood.

                If you see smoke in your backyard, do something about it. Don’t wait until your whole backyard is on fire.


I must warn you, the video is 19 minutes long, so have your snacks ready and I hope you will enjoy the video. (smile)

                If you go to my website,, and click on the storytime tab, you will see Paradise Place and my other videos, too.


Love & Peace