Winter Coats 2020

Winter Coat Drive 2020
I am pleased to announce and recognize my church family’s love and support. I am blessed with the opportunity to read some of my stories to the children at Chrysalis House here in Lexington, Kentucky.
I have written over 60 short stories over the past 9 years and I’ve made a dozen of them “kid friendly.” I’ve been reading to the kids on Thursdays for the past three months, and when the directors, the kids and I get together, we have a ball. My goal is to also educate the children and help them find the cause of their pain—their “IT.” I use my stories and a deck of cards that my team and I have created to help them think and talk about how they are feeling. Please don’t think that it’s all sad or bad, because it’s not. We have fun, too.
At the end of this past November, I wondered if these kids had winter coats. I approached the director, and she was grateful and on board with making sure the kids were prepared for winter. I informed her that I was going to ask my pastor if our church could step up and answer the bell. I spoke to my pastor and he was in total agreement about the project. He suggested I get the children’s names and coat sizes from the director and then bring the project before the congregation.
I received a list from the director that had 13 names and their sizes on a Thursday, and I presented the list to my church family that following Sunday. The next two Sundays, my church family donated 41 WINTER COATS for these kids. They answered the bell! I am proud of and grateful to my pastor, my Greater Liberty Missionary Baptist Church family and the Chrysalis House directors for coming together and making a difference.
We are stronger together! We have more to do.
We want to give these children HOPE and let them know that they are LOVED.
Love & Peace,
Brother Charles