A Wonderful Day May 6, 2019

A Wonderful Day!! 5/6/19
This morning, my friend Carlton and I had the privilege once again to read stories to the second-grade classes at one of our city’s elementary schools.
This was our third time reading to these kids, so we’ve gotten to know one another. The program Carlton and I are a part of is called “Real Men Read.” It’s an effort to attract more men to spend time with and read to our kids.
The first two sessions we read books that were issued by the state. These books allowed the teachers to test the kids after listening to the story. The school principal and the program director were aware that I am a storyteller and have written and published two children’s books. I asked if I could read one of my stories to the kids, and they explained why I couldn’t—YET!
Well, now that the final exams have been completed, I received a call last week from the director, who asked if I would like to read one of my children’s stories. I asked if I could think about it. Five seconds later, I said YES! (smile)
I have put together a complete program to accompany my story, and today I debuted “The Adventure of Bobby the Butterfly.”
The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook aims to educate as well as entertain. What a blessing!
We were asked to come back every week. (smile) I believe this is my new and current calling and I am truly excited about it.
If we can plant some good seeds into these kids by the time, they’re nine, perhaps I won’t have to visit them in jail, prison or in a rehabilitation center when they’re 29, 39 ….
I have other plans for the upcoming months, so please STAY TUNED.
Love & Peace,
Brother Charles