The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook 2019

The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook 2019
Hello Facebook family and friends. Facebook informed me that I haven’t posted anything lately. They’re right, so here I go.
2018 was a difficult and often frustrating year for me. Several life changing experiences, but I made it thru, so I have NO regrets! No complaints! There were equally good things that took place, too. ALL, I believe, helped me and my program continue to grow.
2019 has begun with a few new opportunities, right from the start. I have been working on a new project, with my friend/producer, Keith Richardson of McGProductions@Double “K” Studios. It’s almost ready. STAY TUNED!!(smile)
On February 14th, I’ll be the guest lecturer for the third consecutive year with the “Entrepreneurial Programming for Community Education” class, at the University of Kentucky. It’s an honor and I am grateful to my friend and Academic Coordinator, John Hill, for this invitation.
I’m going into my 3rd year as a group leader in the Jessamine County detention center. (a sister county) I’m in my 9th year as a group leader with my local county drug court program.
The past six plus years, I have been growing my program and have made my share of mistakes along the way, but I’ve also learned a great deal about myself and how to develop a dream into reality. The Journey – adifferentkindofstorybook has been and continues to bear fruit and I believe that this year, 2019, its fruit is about to ripen!
Love & Peace,
Brother Charles