Take Time to Dream

by | Jan 18, 2018

TAKE TIME to dream – it is what the future is made of.
“Dreamers see the creation behind their eyes before they ever see it WITH their eyes!” CWT 6/6/13. Several years ago, I invited my friend, Damon Poke, to attend one of my drug court group meetings. After the group ended, we walked to our cars and Damon made an interesting suggestion. He said a few kind and encouraging words to me, but the one that intrigued me was when he suggested I record my stories on CDs. What made the most sense to me was when he told me that reading my stories was good, however, hearing me tell them was the BEST. He commented on how I change the sound of my voice and emphasize certain words for affect.  He said that no one can tell my stories better. That made sense to me!

I began thinking about that a lot. I’m a man who likes to plan, so I began dreaming about how to make this happen. I remember thinking how that in every job I’ve ever had, I always looked for a way to make it better. I guess I’ve always been a dreamer. During this period, I was allowed to visit inmates in our county detention center and I read some of my stories to them.  My mentor had introduced me to my friend and web guy, Alan Dix. Alan helped me design and built my web site, adifferentkindofstorybook.com and my other social media sites. This was a while back and when I first began to dream about creating a program and using my stories and experiences to help others. I have written more than 60 short stories, so far!

One day, I was encouraged to publish some of my stories. My mom’s health began to fail her and we were watching television together one day and an SC Johnson commercial came on. I made a promise to her that day, that I would bring our family closer together. We were scattered by hundreds and hundreds of miles. Way too far and way too long! When our mother passed in October 2013, I asked my two talented sisters, Clarice and Yvonne to create illustrations to accompany my children’s Easter story. I felt in my heart that this project could help in our family’s healing. I think they did a wonderful job! (smile) It gave us a common purpose, and with the help of my friend and printer-guy, Lynn Wiseman, E.B. Meets The Lamb became our first publication.

Now, my dream is to have ALL my program products available. My friend and producer-guy, Keith Richardson and I are in the process of preparing many of my stories on CDs for your listening pleasure. Once again, there’s a new opportunity with lessons to be learned, but WE DON’T GIVE UP! When the CDs are ready, my publisher, createspace.com, will also professionally reproduce and sell my CDs for me. STAY TUNED!

Along this journey, I have had to press on despite the “boo-birds” and dream killers. Not everyone wants to see us succeed! I am, however, a positive attitude and a “glass half full” type of guy, so I choose to believe that if the Lord put this dream in my spirit, then He’s going to take care of it!

I’m also aware that I can’t bring this dream to reality without the help of others. I have been truly blessed to have people on my team who the Lord has plugged in to fill all the positions needed! We now have 8 books published and hope to have our CDs available soon. This is an exciting time for us!

My lofty dream hasn’t changed. It’s that, one day, our different approach will reach, touch and help hurting, suffering people all around the world — wherever they are. We are adifferentkindofstorybook.com.

Love & Peace,
Brother Charles

TAKE TIME to dream – it is what the future is made of.
A special thanks to:
Clarice E. Taylor
Yvonne F. Taylor
Audrey Kidwell
Damon Poke
Maurice Mercier
Dr. Paschal Baute
Alan Dix
Lynn Wiseman – printlex.com
Keith Richardson – McGProductions@Double “K” Studios